Sunday, January 15, 2017

10 countries that deforest the most

A forest is an ecosystem; a community of plants and animals interacting with one another and with the physical environment. We depend on forests for our survival, from the air we breathe to the wood we use.

Incendios y deforestacion en Santa Cruz de la Sierra Bolivia
Slider comparing deforestation and land use change in Santa Cruz - Bolivia (Source:

Forests provide habitats for animals and livelihoods for humans. Forests also offer watershed protection, prevent soil erosion and mitigate climate change. However, every year thousands of forest hectares are lost due to agriculture, lumber and fires.

Which country deforest the most?
A few days ago an infographic listing the countries that deforest the most was published. However, the infographic focuses on raw numbers and does not consider that fact that the Brazilian forest is bigger than any of the other mentioned countries. Here we rearrange the list considering the forest area of each country.
10 countries that deforest the most

You can visualize the interactive geo-chart of the results (Click here).

10. Congo DR
In 1990 Congo DR had 1 603 630 km2 of forest. By 2015 its forest area was reduced to 1 525 780 km2. It lost 4.8 % of its forest.

9. Colombia
In 1990 Colombia had 644 170 km2 of forest. By 2015 its forest area was reduced to 585 017 km2. It lost 9.2 % of its forest.

8. Brazil
In 1990 Brazil had 5 467 050 km2 of forest. By 2015 its forest area was reduced to 4 935 380 km2. It lost 9.7 % of its forest.

7. Bolivia
In 1990 Bolivia had 627 950 km2 of forest. By 2015 its forest area was reduced to 547 640 km2. It lost 12.7 % of its forest.

6. Tanzania
In 1990 Tanzania had 559 200 km2 of forest. By 2015 its forest area was reduced to 460 600 km2. It lost 17.6 % of its forest.

5. Argentina
In 1990 Argentina had 347 930 km2 of forest. By 2015 its forest area was reduced to 271 120 km2. It lost 22.1 % of its forest.

4. Indonesia
In 1990 Indonesia had 1 185 450 km2 of forest. By 2015 its forest area was reduced to 910 100 km2. It lost 23.2 % of its forest.

3. Birmania
In 1990 Birmania had 392 180 km2 of forest. By 2015 its forest area was reduced to 290 410 km2. It lost 25.9 % of its forest.

2. Zimbawe
In 1990 Zimbawe had 221 640 km2 of forest. By 2015 its forest area was reduced to 140 620 km2. It lost 36.5 % of its forest.

1. Nigeria
In 1990 Nigeria had 172 340 km2 of forest. That is 12.5 % of its territory. By 2015 he forest area was reduced to 69 930 km2. It lost 59.4 % of its forest.
environmental destruction by countries