World cup just began and all the world turn around the Brazuca, the official of the 2014 FIFA world cup. The ball is manufactured in Pakist...Read More
Brazuca: Even NASA tested the ball of Brasil 2014 world cup.
Reviewed by Vadyman
8:55:00 PM
Rating: 5
I like excersice and I like fitness. Many times I have comments from friends about the body fat and I also found many people misusing the B...Read More
Body fat estimation using bioelectrical impedance
Reviewed by Vadyman
11:00:00 PM
Rating: 5
Bridges are structures built to span physical obstacles, in order to provide a direct passage throughout such obstacle. Some time ago the U...Read More
Moving a 122.5 m Arch bridge in 7 hours
Reviewed by Vadyman
1:22:00 AM
Rating: 5
One of the most important events expected for this 2014 is the official release of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) fif...Read More
IPCC AR5, the representative concentration pathways
Reviewed by Vadyman
9:33:00 PM
Rating: 5
The basic data needed to calculate hydraulic profiles of a channel are the discharge, the channel geometry, the water elevation at a contro...Read More
Boundary conditions in HEC RAS
Reviewed by Vadyman
10:47:00 PM
Rating: 5
This year 2014 is the when when 2 of the highest skyscrapers in the world are expected to be inaugurated. The Shanghai Tower is the second ...Read More
The Shanghai Tower: 2nd tallest skyscraper of the world
Reviewed by Vadyman
12:00:00 AM
Rating: 5
Most of the people born after 1990 have never played a vinyl record, maybe some people have not even hold a vinyl record. The digital era a...Read More
Vinyl records to come back in 2014?
Reviewed by Vadyman
10:19:00 PM
Rating: 5