The following Wednesday 22 July the π (PI) celebration day will be celebrated worldwide. The date was selected because 22 July also written as 22/7 is equivalent to 3.14285714286 which is very closest to the value of π (3.14159265359); a difference of only 0.00126448926 or 0.04 % of the true π value.
It is well known that π is an irrational number (It can't be written exactly as a fraction or decimal number) that represents the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. π has several applications in our life. Some field where π is commonly applied are:
- Geometry: The simplest place π is used is in finding the circumference or area of a circle. Of course, finding circumferences and areas can be useful in the real world. For instance, if you know the radius of a wheel and count the number of times the wheel turned, then it is possible to estimate the traveled distance and the speed (if you measure the time).
- Signals: Sine waves have a fundamental period of 2*π, so π becomes vital in signal processing, spectrum analysis.
- Probability: Everyone's favorite distribution (normal or Gaussian) has π in the formula, and it is used in all areas of engineering to simulate unknown factors and loading conditions
- Navigation: When planes fly great distances they are actually flying on a arc of a circle. The path must be calculated as such in order to accurately gauge fuel use, etc. Additionally, when locating yourself on a globe, π comes into the calculation in most methods.
The beauty of PI as art
However, most of us did not realize that π can be viasualized and it really is a very beautiful number.
Scientist Martin Krzywinski and artist Cristian Ilies Vasile published some visualizations of π. First, each digit of pi is represented by a dot of a different color and then these colored dots into a spiral. Then, series of circular representations of pi where the numbers are connected across the circle with a chord were created. New visualizations of π were recently developed considering treemaps and paths.
The following images show some of the visualizations showing the beauty of π. The video has a more detailed explanation about the visualization process.
Image 1. Some π visualizations made by Krzywinski and Vasile
Source: washingtonpost
In this video you can see an explanation of this visualization.
References & further reading
Visualizing PI
10 stunning images show the bauty hidden in pi
PI is beautiful
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