Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Moving from recycling to waste prevention when relocating 101

It doesn't matter how great of a place you are moving to - relocation is bound to be stressful! This is the time when you will run around with a scattered brain, trying to tackle all the tasks that are coming your way. In such a situation, we easily forget about our everyday habits, such as recycling. But that doesn't have to be a part of your worries as you should be moving from recycling to waste prevention - at least, that's the responsible thing to do. 

If you are already dedicated to a sustainable lifestyle, then you probably have a few ideas about how you can make your move less wasteful. Even if you don't, you need not worry - here are a few ideas to get you on the right path.

Prevent waste by going through your pantry

Food is usually one of the most wasted resources during and after a move. Chances are you already have a pantry that is full of canned and non-perishable foods. So why would you buy any of the groceries that are just sitting in your home? Do an inventory of your pantry items. Figure out what is probably not going to make it to the dinner table and donate it to a charity of your choice. 

maison jars containing dried fruit
If there’s something you won’t use, give it to those less fortunate.
Far be it from us to say that you shouldn't buy any food once your move starts approaching. But you should only buy the bare necessities like fresh fruit and vegetables, and focus your efforts on eating what you already have at hand.

Note: you probably have clothing items and personal belongings that should also be donated, so don't forget to skim through those. Moreover, you shouldn't forget about two very cluttered areas in every home - the attic and the garage. Not only will you prepare your garage for the move by decluttering, but you will also prevent waste by donating the items you no longer need which could be of great use to someone.

Re-use moving boxes instead of buying new ones
Moving from recycling to waste prevention might be a confusing prospect. After all, these two can go hand in hand. By recycling moving boxes, you will avoid buying new ones, which means you will create less waste. Besides, this will be of great help financially, as well. We all know how expensive packing materials can be and the worst part is that you don't have to spend so much money on this item.
All you have to do is pay a visit to your local retailers. They already get their supplies in sturdy moving boxes and, as soon as they unload the shipment, they no longer need the box. Chances are they will be more than willing to give them to you - all you have to do is ask.
an open sign on a door
Local retailers will make moving from recycling to waste prevention easier.
If you are trying to have an eco-friendly relocation, then you might also want to take a look into eco-friendly packaging. There are many places where you can rent plastic containers and return them once your relocation is over. This way, you will prevent waste and have en efficient relocation. That's a win-win situation no matter how you look at it!

When moving from recycling to waste prevention, don't forget about the packing paper

True - packing paper probably won't top your list of worries. But that doesn't mean it's not one of the sources that you can use to reduce waste during your move. Packing paper isn't expensive, so you don't have to worry about the financial aspect. But is there really a reason for you to buy it when you can use something we all have in our homes - old newspaper?

The newspaper serves the same purpose as packing paper - it provides extra protection for your items, especially fragile ones. It's mostly used when packing glassware and plates. You are advised to wrap every item separately without sparing this material. But we ask you - why would you spend money on a roll of packing paper when your old newspaper can serve the same exact purpose?

If you are worried about ink touching your plates, then you can find another use for your newspaper. For starters, you can bunch it up and use it for another very important thing. 

There's a way to reduce waste even when padding the boxes

With a changing climate and a lot of pollution, people have to utilize every possible source that will help them fight back and reduce the negative effects. We need to find solutions that will help us make our homes eco-friendly and, ultimately, allow us to make a healthier and more conscientious lifestyle altogether. So on that mission, it's safe to say that every little change will make a big difference. And that's why we think you should think about the way you pad your boxes during relocation. It's certainly a small change, but it's a change for the better. How so?

a stack of newspapers that aid with moving from recycling to waste prevention
Your old newspaper can serve multiple purposes.
Your boxes can be lined and padded with newspaper and they can even replace packing peanuts, which are often used to fill out empty spaces between items in a box. Extra dish rags, towels, linens and old clothes work wonders for this same purpose, helping you reduce the number of wasted items. Did you know that even the boxes from pasta and cereal can be used for filling out empty spaces inside a moving box? Granted, this isn't the most elegant solution, but it certainly serves the purpose. Besides, who said that moving from recycling to waste prevention was going to be elegant? But being more eco-friendly really is important in our daily lives - not just when moving. Always remember that big changes stem from small ones, and you should have no problem to stay motivated.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Why New York is one of the most sustainable cities in the world

A girl holding green Earth in her hand, symbolizing reason why New York is the one of the most sustainable cities in the world.

Energy sustainability is the key to a brighter future. It is not only a way to have better lives, but also to save our planet. Preserving our natural resources is getting tougher and tougher, and sustainability is one of the ways we can prevent this issue. A lot of cities are in this race, but the fact is that New York may well be in the first place. This article will cover all the reasons why New York is one of the most sustainable cities in the world!

New York's path to the most sustainable city in the world

Why is New York considered to be one of the most sustainable cities in the world? Creating and maintaining a sustainable lifestyle requires a lot of self-sacrifice and dedication. With that in mind, I can safely say that one of the most important reasons is because of its people!

New Yorkers have the will to make the change!

Without the will to make changes nothing will be accomplished. Will is one of the driving forces in everything we do in life. As mentioned above, practicing a sustainable lifestyle requires a lot of changes in your behavior. Furthermore, it also requires that you, as a person, become a role model for your friends and neighbors.
A drawing of two windmills.
If everyone made their contribution, practicing sustainable lifestyle wouldn’t have to be the same as fighting windmills.

New York protects its water sources

Combined efforts of the New York City Department of Environmental Protection and Department of Health were able to make drastic changes when it comes to preserving freshwater sources in NY.
They have a lot of different projects running, with some of the more important ones being:
  • preserving the quality of unfiltered water
  • applying the best agricultural practices
  • fixing eroding stream banks
A management plan, including water supply, is top-notch and there is also a strong sustainability-based policy that applies.

Public policy for a successful sustainable life

New York is among those that can proudly say they have a good public policy that supports a sustainable lifestyle. Since people are turning towards using bicycles in their regular lives, you will notice that the number of bicycle lanes and parks is growing. One of the more famous options is the Citybike sharing station.

Urban gardening is a trend

When I was talking about New Yorkers being the prime force that drives NY into a sustainable future, that was not a joke. One of the many strategies they use is urban gardening. If you visit any of New York's parks, you will see a lot of urban gardens.
As a result, farmers' markets are showing up on every corner. The main focus is aimed at agriculture and the production of domestic fruits and vegetables.
Because of a healthy and "green" lifestyle that New York promotes and nurtures, you will see a lot of locations that have been turned into parks or gardens. A good example is an old railway called the High Lane.
Another trend that is catching up is that many restaurants open areas with gardens. Green is slowly becoming one of the main colors in New York!

Lowering carbon footprint is a must for everyone

Here is where the sustainability game reaches a whole other level. Reducing our carbon footprint is one of the most important goals to accomplish. Everyone should participate, without exceptions. These kinds of actions are what we need to improve our lifestyle, reduce expenses, create a healthy environment, and preserve our planet at the same time.
There are multiple ways that can help us reduce our carbon footprint. For starters, always use products that can be recycled. Say no to plastic bags! Furthermore, changing your car to an electric one will contribute on a large scale. A lot of people also find ways to save energy around the house, reducing the time they use electricity.
An image of green footprints.
One way that helps maintain the level of sustainability in New York is lowering your carbon footprint.

Lowering carbon footprint might look like fighting windmills, but it is an important goal to pursue. The majority of New Yorkers gladly accepted this lifestyle, and they are doing everything they can to contribute to the greater cause.

People practice green exercise routines

Practicing green exercise routines will not only help you look and feel better. It will also reduce your carbon footprint and help you be healthier.
And if there is one thing that is true, it is that New Yorkers, especially millennials, like to work out. Even though it is challenging and difficult at times, they will gladly do it.

Electric cars are becoming more and more popular

I mentioned electric cars before, but it is crucial to underline their importance. Since more and more people are buying them, we have to look at the real picture here - not all gas stations are equipped with electric charging. However, it is slowly becoming a thing. New York is open to all new markets that will improve it as a result of going electric.

New York attracts people with the same interests

Since New York is one of the most sustainable cities in the world, it also attracts people who have the same goals. If you are among those, looking for professionals to help you relocate to New York will be a piece of cake. The best of all, a lot of moving companies are "going green", so you can safely hire them without fearing you will increase your carbon footprint.
An image of a green garden with bamboo sticks in the back and a tower of rocks in the front.
Green gardens are an extremely popular option for many restaurant owners who wish to contribute to New York’s sustainability battle.

They are doing everything they can to make New York a better place for living, and also help their customers to become contributors to the general cause.

Become a part of New York!

I think that all the reasons why New York is one of the most sustainable cities in the world are more than enough to make everyone wish to become a part of it. This lifestyle is exciting and good, and it helps people feel better about themselves. It is not easy to follow this lifestyle, but it is worth all the hassle. Try it out, and you will see I am not mistaken! Good luck!