Some years ago, (early 2010) I found a way to break the RAS code and to automate some features of HEC-RAS. Thus, I was able to perform sequ...Read More
Automating HEC-RAS tool
Reviewed by Vadyman
4:19:00 AM
Rating: 5
Civil infrastructure is vital for supporting our life style and economy. However, the prolongued expossure to outdoor weather conditions an...Read More
Bridge monitoring with satellite data SAR
Reviewed by Vadyman
3:28:00 AM
Rating: 5
Last days we had several news about the Oroville dam. In this post I will not describe the details of this natural disaster because there a...Read More
Oroville dam disaster observed by satellite images
Reviewed by Vadyman
2:52:00 AM
Rating: 5
A forest is an ecosystem; a community of plants and animals interacting with one another and with the physical environment. We depend on fo...Read More
10 countries that deforest the most
Reviewed by Vadyman
3:31:00 AM
Rating: 5